Monday, February 25, 2013

It lies in the Unknown

The unknown.. It can be pretty scary sometimes.. Just imagine if you had a guide to the unknown. Well I guess it wouldn't be the unknown anymore, but just pretend for a sec! Just imagine how less scary it would be if we had a step by step, sorta rule book to follow. And we wouldn't have to worry about messing up anymore! That could be interesting.. but how LAME! The fun of the unknown is in the mysteries that come with it! Not knowing what to say or do when that cute girl walks by is the fun of being alive. So to me fearing the unknown is a good thing, but to have life without it would be boring and plain. So keep on fearing the unknown things in your life like when your phone will die, what others think of you, and what your spouse will look like one day because without that unknowing feeling..  life would be suckerific and boring.

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