Tuesday, February 19, 2013

What they think thinking is about...

Those teachers that "know everything." They just want to share their knowledge about other peoples work and others knowledge. They can't think on their own, except when they go on a tangent that no one really cares about, But "WAIT! That is not allowed. What were you thinking kid? No one needs or wants that so just stick to the script!" But it's OK, because I keep on. And one day when you think you have taught the same thing enough times, you will quit or retire from the routine. Then you will try to let yourself start to think again, but by that time you will have everyone's voices already clogging up your creative pumps. Your instinct will be gone, and not to mention all those kid's creativeness you put down and all the kid's idea's and dreams you crushed will be hanging over you like a big fat stormy cloud that just won't go away no matter how hard you try! So I say good luck trying to get your voice back after you have taught through others for so long. Think about all the people's voices like mine that you have tried to squander with "your own" over the years. Have fun wasting away while I'm out THINKING and CREATING because although you might have failed me before, I succeeded in maintaining my individuality.

1 comment:

  1. "you have taught through others for so long"
    also just teaching through us and not seeing us as individuals...
    liked it
