Sunday, February 10, 2013

Lovey Dovey

I don't know what i was thinking.. was I on something?! All i know is I'm trapped.. falling into something unknown and unfamiliar to me.. A whole different world that hasn't been discovered yet! I am not alone on this new world although sometimes I do feel it. I feel curious why I even made this journey in the first place, into the unknown. But then I look into my companions eyes and I melt, I am reminded why I made this journey, why I am here now. At first it was my curiosity of this new thing in my life that drove me to stay. Now its something much more powerful, something I can't describe. Sometimes it feels as if a bunch of little bugs crawled into my stomach and started eating away. to make me feel sick. Ive heard other ways of describing that feeling.. something with butterfly's but this feeling I get is much stronger then a couple of butterfly's.

1 comment:

  1. "But then I look into my companions eyes and I melt, I am reminded why I made this journey"
    i really loved that line, when ever we don't know how we got to where we were, just look around at who you are with, they got you there.
